Welcome to MAX STAVRON.com
interests and talents are wide and rather varied.
While he excels in business, public relations, and
marketing, Max also is an accomplished guitar player,
photographer, writer, and artist. Max Stavron owns
several manufacturing and sales businesses as well
as a website design, SEO, and marketing firm. Max is
also a guitar tech and an avid collector of Vintage
and rare memorabilia collectable guitars. Max and
Tom Doyle, Les Paul's right hand man of over 45
years have recently introduced their
"Doyle Coils TRU-CLONES PAF Humbucker" pickups...
Les Paul’s Final Dream of the Ultimate Humbucker
Pickup Comes to Life!
Les Paul, Tom Doyle, Guitars, Pickups... and more!
is the right hand man and business manager to the
one and only
Tom Doyle. Tom Doyle was Les Paul's
personal luthier, guitar tech, soundman, engineer,
co-inventor, close friend and confidant for over
45 years. Tom introduced Max to Les way back in
the early 1980's just as Les was coming out of a
very long retirement. Max handles all the business
affairs for Team Doyle USA... The Company owns
several incredibly historic and valuable guitars,
Les Paul memorabilia, and the two have finished
Les Paul's Final Dream of a clear, articulate,
harmonically rich high impedance Humbucker pickup.
Suffice it to say that the guitar world is very
pleased and Les Paul players everywhere are nothing
less than elated!